This post is all about deviled eggs. I personally love deviled eggs. My dad and I can easily make and put down a dozen between us. They have a lot of roots in Southern culture and so I've always considered them specifically Southern. But, my Belarusian roommate tells me that she grew up eating deviled eggs and a bit of research has revealed to me that they are far more of an international food than I believed. Another way to say deviled eggs is French-style eggs, hence the title of this blog post!
I set out making deviled eggs this morning and put the eggs in a pot to boil. In case you're unfamiliar with how to hard boil eggs, you cover the eggs with water by about an inch in a large pot and wait until the water is boiling. At this point you'll turn the burner to low, cover them, and wait 8-10 minutes.
When they're finished, simply put them in cold water and then peel off the hard outer shell.
When this step is complete, you slice them in half and scoop the yellow middles (the yolk) into a bowl with 1/4 a cup of mayonnaise and 2 tbsp. of mustard.
Only, today I didn't have mustard. This is the good news for the college student with a limited pantry, you can experiment using any kind of sauce! Today, I happened to have TacoBell Wild Sauce on hand, and in the past I've used Chick-fil-a sauce. There are so many fun flavors to try!
From there, I mixed in a dash of salt and topped it off with pepper. Traditionally, people use Paprika, but that is definitely not something I always have on hand!
Here's a link to a more traditional recipe in case you do want to go out, get the ingredients and do it the right way!
I love deviled eggs! My family makes them a lot but I've never made them myself. I'm excited to try!